European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations needed video teams and photographers worldwide to show the impact and tell the stories of EU-funded humanitarian and civil protection initiatives and their partner organizations and stakeholders. Additionally, their needs often involved the distribution of video news release packages to media globally. Productions ranged from 360 shoots to videos including animation that demonstrated policies and guidelines.
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations worked with the AP Content Services team for end-to-end production, scripting, shooting and distribution of projects in countries such as Ukraine, Colombia, Turkey, Spain, Romania, Sweden, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Greece, Iraq and Sierra Leone.
European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations had a multitude of content produced with the AP Content Services team in some challenging places. AP Content Services was extremely flexible and versatile in producing content around subject matter where the situation was ever-changing on the ground. Additionally, we understood the sensitivities in meeting all the requirements of the different partners involved in the initiatives.
The Content Services group is separate from the AP newsroom. While sponsorship arrangements are available surrounding AP's news coverage, these do not include any brand influence or oversight of the coverage. AP Content Services' custom brand storytelling projects, conversely, do not involve AP editorial staff and do invite brand input and review.