With aviation so central to the brand’s values, Breitling’s activities create a wealth of breathtaking photographs. Our challenge is to ensure maximum distribution of these photos to the world’s media.
Brietling’s photos are distributed through AP’s unrivalled global distribution network, which ensures they reach an audience of newspapers, magazines, broadcasters, digital publishers, and mobile platforms across the world. Working closely with Breitling’s PR and media team, we provide a consultative approach to ensure that distribution is timed for the best possible impact.
Most recently, photos of Breitling Wingwalkers were used in print and online in Australia, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, South Africa, India, Korea, Canada and The Telegraph (website) and The Times (print and website) in the UK.
With aviation so central to the brand’s values, Breitling’s activities create a wealth of breathtaking imagery. Our challenge is to ensure maximum distribution of these photos to the world’s media.
The Content Services group is separate from the AP newsroom. While sponsorship arrangements are available surrounding AP's news coverage, these do not include any brand influence or oversight of the coverage. AP Content Services' custom brand storytelling projects, conversely, do not involve AP editorial staff and do invite brand input and review.